Crooked Finger OHV area info and plans

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kickstarting the bike
kickstarting the bike
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Location: Silverton, Oregon

Crooked Finger OHV area info and plans

Postby jawnhewz » Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:48 am


The Crooked Finger Riders Association had a meeting yesterday and
planned a work party for December 3rd up on Crooked Finger Road outside
of Scotts Mills/Silverton area. This group is chartered with the task
of planning/mapping/flagging the trails for the new OHV park that will
be going in. This group will also do most of the clearing for trails
and planning for parking areas, etc.

Any one interested in volunteering to help, please contact
John Winslow for more info. Also, look at John has this listed as a
ATV club, but dirt riders, dualsporter's, etc. are welcome as well.
The OHV park will be open to both bikes and ATV's.

First work party: December 3rd @ 10AM. Meet at Rock Pit just off
Crooked Finger Road where most riders park/ride now.

Next meeting: December 17 @ 1pm at Western Motorsports in Silverton.

So if you want to help or just want more info, contact John or show up
to the work party or meeting. After all, this is to help construct
a new 400 acre (I think that is the correct # of acres) OHV park close
to Salem, Silverton, Canby, Mollala, etc.


John Hughes

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