3/24~26/16 Trailriding At Lyda Camp With Da Guys

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3/24~26/16 Trailriding At Lyda Camp With Da Guys

Postby Tawmass » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:18 am

The Wife and I had to make a trip up to Portland, since Donna's daughter was having surgery. While there I decided I'd try to get a ride or two in, so took my 3-hunny! There was a core group of buds who were into it on Thursday, and NOAA said only 40% chance of rain - right.

It seemed to take forever to get our breakfasts at a local [nameless] restaurant, but we finally headed out into the TSF in a downpour. I was with RickN and we were hoping that nobody would have their bikes unloaded once we got there, however KerryO only had this day off, so he was motivated. So we soldiered off into the rain and mist. The new trail that Jahmaal (ODF) built was quite nice and a LOT of work to put it in! Thanks Jahmaal for keeping us off the roads!

We went up the rest of the way and headed down MM Trail - wow, was it sloppy!

We then decided to try Jordan Creek Trail to Spaur Trail, but were blocked by a recent landslide - a BIG one!

We fortunately turned around (good thing as I heard the trail below was even worse!) and headed up to Archer's Road, where the rains really commenced to drown us. We decided to head back and froze our tails off.

We stopped at a local bar on the way home to celebrate and warm up. Oh, and Dugly has a new petcock.

Day Two's Ride is forthcoming...
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Re: 3/24~26/16 Trailriding At Lyda Camp With Da Guys

Postby Tawmass » Wed Mar 30, 2016 8:20 am

Day Two, Saturday, 3/26/16
After the previous Thursday's quagmire ride, I wasn't overly interested in another mudfest rip, however a herd of others were motivated, so off we went. We met at a much better place for breakfast (The Hitchin' Post in N. Plains) and took off from there. Since it was a Saturday, there were more victims and, once we got to Lyda Camp Staging Area, it was packed like sardines in a can.

At the staging area, it was like old times, as I saw Richard Chapman, Keith Gienty and others. For the day's ride we had the usual suspects of Rick Newman, Scott Wilson, Dave Klug, Doug White, Keith Reams and John Kaufman, but also along for the ride was Pete Dorsett, Lyon Payne and Mitch Juenemann. Sounded like herding kittens...


Sure enough, we got no more than barely out of the staging area and only Mitch and I were at the trailhead. WTF? Sure enough the others went another way and, after some sniveling, we all got back together. Of course we all had to get over one particular log, then we finally got away from the staging area.

We rode as much trail as possible and the conditions were nearly perfect! And everyone FINALLY understood the trailriding term, "You are solely responsible for the rider behind you!" Nobody got lost the rest of the day, fortunately.

A few peeled off after a short bit, but the majority continued onward with fepic conditions. We headed West onto some other trails off of Archer's Road and more new trails.

Thanks everyone that showed up and I sure had a great time and it was big fun catching up with everyone again! Thanks also to Pete, Mitch and Lyon for showing up ad hoc to add to the fun!
<--Click here to watch the video!

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Re: 3/24~26/16 Trailriding At Lyda Camp With Da Guys

Postby Ace! » Wed Mar 30, 2016 9:40 am

Woohoo! Looks like fun!
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Re: 3/24~26/16 Trailriding At Lyda Camp With Da Guys

Postby Dusty Sphincter » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:28 am

Was an interesting ride. Great report Tawm. Can't wait for better weather though. [-o<

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