7/7/15 Dualsporting Howard Prairie Lake Area

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7/7/15 Dualsporting Howard Prairie Lake Area

Postby Tawmass » Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:55 am

As has been the case lately, the Valley has been extremely hot, so my friend Tiny and I headed to the high country around Howard Prairie Lake. Good choice as it was at a minimum of 10 degree cooler.

We unloaded near Howard Prairie Lake and picked a direction and started exploring on our dualsport bikes. We didn't get too far before we found a major windfalls across the road. Since we didn't have our saw (but we did vow to return with one!), we tried to find a way around it, to no avail, so we picked another direction and found a gem of an old two track.

We kept sniffing around. Tiny scared up a bobcat, which was a treat. We came across an old, beat-up car that was abandoned by some rednecks. Hate all the trash in our forests!
For as dry as it was, the wild flowers were in bloom! Then it started to cloud up and even rained on us a bit.

Another most awesome day of riding in the woods, and I even did one lip skid!

<<<<--Best watched in HD mode if possible
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