7/16/14 Jordan Creek Trail Ride Report

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7/16/14 Jordan Creek Trail Ride Report

Postby Tawmass » Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:30 am

Prepping for the Rat Dog

My buddies Walt Koch and Dave Klug wanted to go for a midweek ride, so we headed to Jordan Creek. There were a couple things I wanted to check out after last Sunday's Lone Wolf ISDE, specifically if the Camaro was still over the bank and how some of the trails held up.

We unloaded and headed up the steep climb from Jordan Creek to the top of Archer's Road, then did Chainbreaker Trail and Buckup Trail, fooled around on Archer's Road 4WD Trails for a bit and finally found the (grown over) start of Doughboy Meets Dirt Trail and headed down it. It dropped us onto a road that went out to a landing surrounded by a clear cut and - Doughboy Meets Dirt Trail is now obliterated. Damn.
Dave Klug photo

So off we went on the road that goes to the top of Morell's Maze Trail, where the Camaro was over the bank. When we got there -- the Camaro was GONE! (See waypoint) Somebody had done some serious winching to pull that pig up out from the side of the road! They even rigged line to a couple tree stumps!

So we then went past Bat Bridge Trail to Morell's Maze and dropped down that.

We then took the lower Morell's Maze Trail, which dropped us onto Jordan Creek Trail, headed up Phipp's Creek Road and rode Radio Silence Trail. I was pleasantly surprised how well the trails held up after the race. There were only a couple sketchy spots: one right where the root wad was (on my race video at 8:16) and one hole developed in a wet spot - both are fixable. We also found a super-secret trail that I've been wondering about for awhile and it was totally epic! I will have to use it on my upcoming Rat Dog Ride for the A course!

We then headed back around and dropped down Spaur Ridge Trail - yet another trail that Walt and Dave had not been on.
Dave Klug photo

All in all, it was a short, fun, hot day and the refreshments hit the spot at the end of the day. The way things are going, we may not be able to ride much longer due to fire danger, so get out while you can!
You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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