Noob event questions

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Noob event questions

Postby TrailCruiser » Mon May 14, 2012 2:00 pm

First year for the BD and I plan on camping at the fairground so some questions...

1. Is there a coffee or breakfast vendor at the fairground or is it a "bring your own" deal?
2. Same for dinner, bring your own or drive into town?
3. Confirming that lunch is provided somewhere along the route, right?


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Re: Noob event questions

Postby Tawmass » Tue May 15, 2012 7:00 am

1: Vernon & Wade will be offering coffee (and donuts?) for breakfast each day from the teepee. In the past two years we've had a local vendor there to sell quick breakfasts too. We hope for the same this year.

2: In past years we had a local Mexican Food vendor show up with their truck selling tasty dinners on Saturday night. We again hope for the same this year.

3: Lunch has been provided in past years. Our previous sponsors are unable to do have lunches this year, so we are working on new sponsors. Husqvarna has expressed interest and we are working that. If we cannot get sponsors to step up, we will at a minimum offer bottled water and an energy bar to take with you. There is also local places to eat along the way.

Long story short - food is still an 'in process' deal.
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