6/23/15 Dualsport Ride To Butte Falls

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6/23/15 Dualsport Ride To Butte Falls

Postby Tawmass » Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:09 am

I contacted my old high-school buddy, Tracy Shaw, about going for a ride. He also had the day off, so once he showed up at my place in Eagle Point, we pointed the bikes towards Butte Falls via Salt Creek. Tracy was on his KLR650 and I was on my KLX400 and the weather/temps were perfect!

We headed up Salt Creek and turned off onto Doubleday Road. Along the way we found a couple 4WD routes that looked interesting so checked them out. We eventually came out onto the Butte Falls Hwy just west of town, and that's when Tracy found a new, stubby friend, per the video below. A quick lunch, a LOT of catching up and we were off again.

We headed up towards Willow Lake, of which I had to take a picture of the turn I rode off of when I was in high school riding two up on my RD350. Neither Pam nor I got hurt, but I saw God at least five times, so that turns still give me the creeps!

Then we headed up to Fourbit Ford Campground, noodled around and then made our way back towards home on a somewhat different route.

At the end of the day, we'd done almost 80 miles of exploring some areas I hadn't been on in years. Can't wait to go again!

<<<Best watched in HD mode if possible
You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.

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