10/31/14 Tawm's Annual GAG Ride: Eastern Oregon

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10/31/14 Tawm's Annual GAG Ride: Eastern Oregon

Postby Tawmass » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:20 am

Thursday - Getting There

For around a dozen years I've had my Great Annual Gifford (GAG) Ride in the Gifford Pinchot N.F., but last year we decided to change things up and had it in Ukiah, Oregon. We really had a great time, so this year we pondered where might be another great place to ride with friends, so we arrived upon the LaPine area.

On Thursday, Scott Wilson and I met up in LaPine and headed to the camping area with the dogs. Upon arrival, we noticed that we had the place to ourselves (surprise!) complete with firewood and fire pit. So we set up camp, stapled up road signs to alert others and settled in.


It was warm, slightly overcast and quiet. We discovered some deer hooves that hunters had left and kept trying to come up with some sort of Blair Witch Project sign to make. The hooves only got the dogs excited to try to chew on when we weren't looking. In fact there were deer skins, more hooves and even an outdoor toilet that hunters had also left - crazy! As it got dark, we could hear a vehicle at a high rate of speed coming up the highway. It sounded like it was going so fast that it must be someone going past our camp to another location. Suddenly the brakes came on suddenly and the truck practically skidded to a stop and turned it. Keith Reams and Dave Klug pulled in - nice! Now I didn't have to stare at Scott's ugly mug all evening!


Out came the cocktails and beverages and we milled around the campfire all evening...
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Re: 10/31/14 Tawm's Annual GAG Ride in Eastern Oregon

Postby Tawmass » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:37 am

Friday - Day 1

When I awoke on Friday morning, Dan Hatcher's RV was there. I thought I'd heard someone roll in around 1AM. Then Scott, Keith, Dave and I went to get some firewood nearby. Dave was new to using a chainsaw and he enjoyed his new toy, at everyone else's concern.

After getting firewood (and Scott tweaking his back), Dave Wachs, Kevin Hopper and Matt Holloway showed up. Then Stevie Ray Branstetter and Dave Paulini skidded in to join the fun - what a group! Hatcher was busy attaching custom stickers to everyone's bikes.

We finally were able to take off. And there was NO DUST! We couldn't have timed it any better! Scott got the award for biggest tire - just look at the size of that thing!
Dave Klug photo

61 glorious miles later, we were once again back at the fire pit. While we were out, Grant Erickson had shown up too. What an awesome day: no dust, no breakdowns and no problems!

Check out the video of this day's ride.
<<< Watch in HD mode and full screen if possible!
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Re: 10/31/14 Tawm's Annual GAG Ride: Eastern Oregon

Postby Tawmass » Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:51 am

Saturday Day 2

It was definitely colder on Saturday. After staying up too late around the fire the night prior, it was kind of hard to get out of the warm bed. On this day we had local Stan Summers showing up, along with Dave Hurt and Mark Hosack, which brought us to a total of 11 antsy riders!
Dave Klug photo
Dave Hurt photo
Dave Klug photo

We spent the entire, glorious 70+ mile day shadowing Stan as he wound us through epic riding (see video below). On our way back, Grant was concerned about running out of gas, but he made it in on fumes. Once back, Ron Hughes had shown up midday, and Scott Wilson had loaded up and left due to a sore back (probably a symptom of too much traction with that monster Terraflex Tire!). We then commenced to mill around the fire with our favorite beverages into the wee hours of the night. Walt did a cameo appearance of his epic leaf blower to build up the fire again much to everyone's delight, especially Stan! Danno and I had plans of pulling out our acoustic guitars, but it was nipply cold - not good for acoustic guitar wood. We all eventually decided to hit the hay, but Danno just couldn't stand it and pulled out his baby, electric guitar to rock us to sleep.

The next morning had everyone stating that they'd had enough riding and decided to have a lazy day of loading up and heading home. Ron didn't get a chance to ride with us, other than hanging around the fire, but since he was recovering from his cold, our guilt wasn't too bad. But wait, we found more deer hides!

Thanks to everyone that showed and I can't wait for next year's GAG Ride!
<<< Best watched in HD mode if possible!
You don't stop riding because you grow old, you grow old because you stop riding.


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